Sunday, November 7, 2010

Week 12

Executive summary

Today marks the start of group presentations, and we had several interesting presentations. The groups which presented were : Sporttech, TEchvention, Animate your world. My group presented as well and we presented on biowarfare. We came up with a skit too and i was pretty nervous at first. The good thing is that I had to wear this funny looking specs and i couldn't really see much from it so that pretty much gave me some form of confidence. Overall i thought that we did quite well for our skit and presentation.

Interesting observations and ideas

I find it interesting and fascinating that sports technology can be used to monitor a athlete during training and this information can then be used to aid the athlete in his or her training sessions. This is really something fascinating as personally I am a sports man and it would be really cool if there was something which can increase the efficiency of my training methods. This will really level the playing field out there and those who have a head start in the sports will no longer be able to dominate in their areas.

Key Takeaways:

Today we had this presentation on 3D technology. They talked about porn in 3D and most of the people in class were quite impressed by it. However to me that wasn't really something new because I heard about it quite sometime back. Looks like i might need to start hanging out with the right group of friends.
Remember the transition from black and white TV to color TV? It took the world by storm back then but now we have advanced beyond that to technologies such as plasma tv, LCD tv , HDTV and blu - ray. What the future holds is going to be much epic as we are about to undergo the transition to 3D TV. TV manufacturers predict that the next big thing is going to be 3D TV. Imagine being able to watch 3D at home on your TV.That is something which i will be looking forward to.

Issues for further discussions :

I feel that we could have talked more about the social aspects regarding to the various technology which we have discussed in class. For example, sporttech was talking about using technology to improve the performance of athletes. However the main issue is the ethical concerns which have arise as a result of this technologies. From the way I see it, technology is going to be dominated by the rich. There will be no way athletes form the poorer countries are able to compete with those from the richer ones. The playing field will be more and more uneven. The ubiquitous nature of technology in the sporting arena will defeat the purpose of sports, which is to bring and unite people together.


I would rate today’s lesson 8 out of 10. Today we had quite a number of interesting presentations and they were really quite interesting